Theme Abyss Dark XenForo

Theme Abyss Dark XenForo

Download free abyss is dark theme xenforo - audentio | Abyss is dark skin for one of our most powerful intricate themes, Xenith. Abyss uses the cohesive and brilliant design that makes Xenith a fan favorite, including styling for the media gallery, resource manager, xenPorta 2, and featured threads; XenForo's hottest add-ons. Using the UI.X Framework gives Abyss a wealth of added features including custom node icons, FontAwesome, sticky navigations and userbars, complete integration with the widget framework, sticky thread, node, sidebar, and postbit toggling options, a width changer from fluid to fixed, and much, much more. With its rich dark color scheme, Abyss brings a whole new design to Xenith and UI.X.
Live Preview
See it live with all the features that exist, both on the homepage and the page posts.

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